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Omparison of the Morphology of Pseudoregma Bambucicola in Southwest of China

IOP conference series Earth and environmental science(2020)

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The bamboo aphid, Pseudoregma bambucicola, is one of the most common insect pests of bamboo. It not only affects normal bamboo growth but also induces sooty molds, causing bamboo dead and hugely impacting the growth of bamboo. This study uses the LY-WN high-quality microscopic system to research and record the size of individual form of the Pseudoregma bambucicola from Leshan, Chengdu, Chongqing and Mianyang. The results show that the body length of adults are from 3.21 mm to 4.23 mm in Leshan, between 3.16mm to 4.47mm in Chengdu, from 3.05mm to 4.18mm in Mianyang and from 2.66mm to 3.87mm in Chongqing. What's more, the egg length from 1.14mm to 1.62mm and body wide from 0.60 mm to 0.77mm in Leshan. Larvas from Leshan grow faster at 2-3 days and 6-7 days than in other days. Above all, this study aims to distinguish the individual morphological character of the Pseudoregma bambucicola from different areas through comparative analysis, and to provide theoretical support for relevant studies.
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