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Heat and Mass Transfer in High Aspect Slot Structures

International journal of thermal sciences(2021)

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The features of coating deposition in high aspect slot nanostructures were studied using a novel hybrid model of heat and mass transfer, which is a combination of molecular dynamics (MD) and Monte Carlo (MC) methods. In contrast to other hybrid models, the MD method in our model is used in combination with the MC method at the gas phase boundary in the field of the walls limiting the volume of the system. In this case, the MC method is used only to statistically determine the scattering type of molecules on the surface and molecular velocities after the scattering. This MD/MC hybrid model was applied to describe the energy exchange with the surface of the reactor system: a slot nanostructure with a complex geometric shape and strong non-uniformity of temperature distribution and thermal physical properties of the surface. It was shown that such heterogeneity causes correlative changes in the energy exchange on other parts of the walls in a high aspect slot nanostructure.
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High aspect slot nanostructures,Heat and mass transfer,Molecular dynamics model,Monte Carlo model,Gas-dynamics flows
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