
Locus coeruleus neuronal activity correlates with behavioral response to acute and chronic doses of methylphenidate (Ritalin) in adolescent rats

Journal of Neural Transmission(2017)

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The objective of this study is to gain insight into the behavioral and neuronal changes induced by acute and chronic methylphenidate (MPD) administration. Specifically, there is limited knowledge of the effects of MPD on the locus coeruleus (LC), the main site of norepinephrine synthesis in the brain. In this study, LC neuronal firing rate was recorded simultaneously with locomotor activity in freely moving adolescent rats. Adolescent rats were chosen to mimic the age group in humans most affected by MPD exposure. Following acute dose of 0.6, 2.5 or 10 mg/kg MPD, all rats showed an increase in locomotor activity. However, in response to chronic MPD doses, individual rats showed either a further increase or decrease in their locomotor activity as compared to the effect initiated by the acute dose—expressing either behavioral sensitization or tolerance, respectively. The LC neuronal recordings from animals expressing behavioral sensitization showed that the majority of units responded to chronic MPD exposure by further increasing firing rates as compared to the initial response to the acute MPD exposure. For the LC neuronal units recorded from animals expressing behavioral tolerance, however, the majority of the units responded to chronic exposure by attenuating or no significant effect on their firing rate as compared to the acute MPD exposure. This observation indicates a correlation between the LC neuronal responses and behavioral activity to chronic MPD exposure. The study shows that LC participates in the effect of MPD and the behavioral expression of sensitization and tolerance to chronic exposure of MPD.
Methylphenidate,Locus coeruleus,Adolescent rats,Behavior,Neuronal recording
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