Dynamic Variations in Infrared Skin Temperature of Weaned Pigs Experimentally Inoculated with the African Swine Fever Virus: A Pilot Study


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African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating viral disease in pigs and is therefore economically important for the swine industry. ASF is characterized by a short incubation period and immediate death, making the early identification of ASF-infected pigs essential. This pilot-scale study evaluates whether the infrared thermography (IRT) technique can be used as a diagnostic tool to detect changes in skin temperature (T-sk) during the early stages of disease development in experimentally ASF-infected pigs. Clinical symptoms and rectal temperatures (T-core) were recorded daily, and IRT readings during the experimental ASF infection were analyzed. All infected pigs died at 5-8 days post inoculation (dpi), and the incubation period was approximately 4 dpi. The average T-core increased from 0 dpi (38.9 +/- 0.3 degrees C) to 7 dpi (41.0 +/- 0.5 degrees C) and decreased by 8 dpi (39.8 +/- 0 degrees C). The maximum T-sk of ASF-infected pigs increased from 2 (35.0 degrees C) to 3 dpi (38.5 degrees C). The mean maximum T-sk observed from three regions on the skin (ear, inguinal, and neck) significantly increased from 2 to 3 dpi. This study presents a non-contact method for the early detection of ASF in infected pigs using thermal imaging at 3 days after ASF infection.
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Key words
African swine fever, infrared thermography, infrared skin temperature, fever, pig
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