
The effect of different restoration approaches on vegetation development in metal mines

Science of the Total Environment(2022)

引用 11|浏览22
Mining is the most destructive human activity towards ecosystems through changing the terrain, substrate properties, and vegetation community structure. Vegetation succession, the theoretical basis of restoration, is influ-enced by site conditions and anthropogenic intervention. In order to provide general practical applications for mine restoration, it is critical to identify the optimal intervention that promotes succession, and the influence of climates. Here, we hypothesized that high-intervention contributes to positive characteristics and more successful succession, while increasing climatic severity presents negative characteristics and succession is hard to succeed. In this study, we collected 55 global studies (n = 804) on the vegetation succession of abandoned metal mines, and evaluated the ecological characteristics and successional trends under spontaneous succession and anthropogenic intervention conditions by conducting meta-analyses. Furthermore, we considered factors that may affect the vegetation succession after closing mines, including geological conditions, mining area (area of degraded land in mine field) and mining time (duration of mining operations). Species richness and evenness increased with the age of succession under low-and non-intervention conditions, while coverage increased under high-intervention, and species diversity decreased significantly with increasing mining time in cold areas. There were significant differences in succession trends under different climate types. The vegetation structure was more likely to develop towards the target vegetation in megathermal and mesothermal than in microthermal regions. We contend that a low level of intervention can help succession, while high intervention will not. Vegetation succession can be achieved more easily with less climatic severity, and the reduction of large-scale mining processes (area and time) can increase vegetation evenness, especially for continental or microthermal regions. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Climate types,Intervention,Metal mines,Mining scale,Restoration,Vegetation succession
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