
Drought Induces Variation in the DNA Methylation Status of the Barley HvDME Promoter

Drosou Victoria, Hellenic Agricultural Organization-Dimitra (ELGO-Dimitra),Letsiou Sophia,Tsaftaris Athanasios S.,Argiriou Anagnostis

Journal of plant research(2021)

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Cytosine methylation is an epigenetic modification with essential roles in diverse plant biological processes including vegetative and reproductive development and responsiveness to environmental stimuli. A dynamic process involving DNA methyltransferases and DNA demethylases establishes cytosine DNA methylation levels and distribution along the genome. A DNA demethylase gene from barley (Hordeum vulgare), DEMETER (HvDME), the homologue of the Arabidopsis thaliana DME (AtDME), has been characterized previously and found to respond to drought conditions. Here, the promoter of the HvDME gene was analysed further by in silico and DNA methylation analysis. The effect of drought conditions on the DNA methylation status of HvDME was investigated at single-cytosine resolution using bisulfite sequencing. It was demonstrated that the HvDME promoter can be divided into two discrete regions, in terms of DNA methylation level and density; a relatively unmethylated region proximal to the translational start site that is depleted of non-CG (CHG, CHH) methylation and another distal region, approximately 1500 bp upstream of the translational start site, enriched in CG, as well as non-CG methylation. Drought stress provoked alterations in the methylation status of the HvDME promoter distal region, whereas the DNA methylation of the proximal region remained unaffected. Computational analysis of the HvDME promoter revealed the presence of several putative regulatory elements related to drought responsiveness, as well as transposable elements (TEs) that may affect DNA methylation. Overall, our results expand our investigations of the epigenetic regulation of the HvDME gene in response to drought stress in barley and may contribute to further understanding of the epigenetic mechanisms underlying abiotic stress responses in barley and other cereals.
Barley,Bisulfite sequencing,DEMETER,DNA methylation,Drought stress,Epigenetic regulation,Transposable element
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