
The Theories of Gerbrandus Jelgersma (1859–1942) on the Function of the Cerebellum

The Cerebellum(2021)

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Gerbrandus Jelgersma published extensively on the (pathological) anatomy of the cerebellum between 1886 and 1934. Based on his observations on the double innervation of the Purkinje cells, he formulated a hypothesis on the function of the cerebellum. Both afferent systems of the cerebellum, the mossy fiber-parallel fiber system and the climbing fibers terminate on the Purkinje cell dendrites. According to Jelgersma, the mossy fiber-parallel fiber system is derived from the pontine nuclei and the inferior olive, and would transmit the movement images derived from the cerebral cortex. Spinocerebellar climbing fibers would transmit information about the execution of the movement. When the Purkinje cell compares these inputs and notices a difference between instruction and execution, it sends a correction through the descending limb of the superior cerebellar peduncle to the anterior horn cells. Jelgersma postulates that this cerebro-cerebellar coordination system shares plasticity with other nervous connections because nerve cell dendritic protrusions possess what he called amoeboid mobility: dendritic protrusions can be extended or retracted and are so able to create new connections or to abolish them. Jelgersma’s theories are discussed against the background of more recent theories of cerebellar function that, similarly, are based on the double innervation of the Purkinje cells. The amoeboid hypothesis is traced to its roots in the late nineteenth century.
Neurons: amoeboid movements,Purkinje cell: double innervations,Cerebellum: anatomy,Golgi Cox method,Marr and Albus cerebellar theory,Leiden University
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