Research on Robot Motion Planning Based on RRT Algorithm with Nonholonomic Constraints


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A 1–0 Bg-RRT algorithm is proposed to reduce computational time and complexity, even in complex environments. Different from Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) and Bias-goal Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (Bg-RRT), using 1–0 Bg-RRT with 1 and 0 change probability biased to the target to construct the tree is faster and can jump out of the local minimum in time. Although unknown space path planning problem based on RRT is difficult to obtain satisfactory performance, but the improved algorithm provides a more superior compared with the basic RRT algorithm and Bg-RRT algorithm. The simulation results show that the 1–0 Bg-RRT algorithm has shorter computational time and shorter path than the traditional RRT algorithm.
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Rapidly-exploring random tree, Path planning, Nonholonomic constraint, Goal bias, Robot motion
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