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The influence of in vivo mechanical behaviour of the Achilles tendon on the mechanics, energetics and apparent efficiency of bouncing gaits


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In this study, we used kinematic, kinetic, metabolic and ultrasound analysis to investigate the role of elastic energy utilization on the mechanical and physiological demands of a movement task (hopping) that primarily involves the plantar-flexor muscles to determine the contribution of tendon work to total mechanical work and its relationship with apparent efficiency (AE) in bouncing gaits. Metabolic power (P-MET) and (positive) mechanical power at the whole-body level (P-MEC) were measured during hopping at different frequencies (2, 2.5, 3 and 3.5 Hz). The (positive) mechanical power produced during the Achilles tendon recoil phase (P-TEN) was obtained by integrating ultrasound data with an inverse dynamic approach. As a function of hopping frequency, P-MEC decreased steadily and P-MET exhibited a U-shape behaviour, with a minimum at about 3 Hz. AE (P-MEC/P-MET) showed an opposite trend and was maximal (about 0.50) at the same frequency when P-TEN was also highest. Positive correlations were observed: (i) between P-TEN and AE (AE=0.22+0.15P(TEN), R-2=0.67, P<0.001) and the intercept of this relationship indicates the value of AE that should be expected when tendon work is nil; (ii) between AE and tendon gearing (Gt=Delta muscle-tendon unit length/Delta muscle belly length; R-2=0.50, P<0.001), where a high Gt indicates that the muscle is contracting more isometrically, thus allowing the movement to be more economical (and efficient); (iii) between Gt and P-TEN (R-2=0.73, P<0.001), which indicates that Gt could play an important role in the tendon's capability to store and release mechanical power.
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Key words
Tendon behaviour,Ultrasound analysis,Apparent efficiency,Hopping,Tendon gearing
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