
Fine-needle aspiration performance during cytopathology fellowship: what do the ACGME case logs show us?

Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology(2021)

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Introduction Cytopathology fellows are required to enter their fine-needle aspiration (FNA) case numbers in an online data collection system, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Case Log system. This study reviewed this data to examine trends in FNA case numbers during fellowship training. Methods A retrospective review of the ACGME Accreditation Data System (ADS) FNA Case Log data was performed for academic years 2006-2019. For 2006-2016, total and average numbers of FNAs performed per academic year were available. After 2016, data also included the number of programs and trainees, national averages, standard deviation, minimum, median, maximum, and percentiles for the number of FNAs performed. Results The number of FNAs documented by cytopathology fellows has gradually increased from 2006 (average 10.9) to 2013 (average 18.6) and dramatically increased in 2014 (average 38.0). Averages have remained greater than 30 FNAs documented per academic year since 2014, with some variation. However, a decline was observed in 2019, likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions FNA procedures reported in the ACGME Case Log System indicate vast differences in cytopathology fellowship educational experiences and settings. After logging FNAs becoming an ACGME requirement in 2013, the average number of FNAs has been greater than 30 per year and provides some guidance for programs with respect to the number of FNAs being reported by cytopathology fellows nationally.
Case log,Cytology,Cytopathology,Education,Fellowship,Fine-needle aspiration,FNA
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