
Band 3 Protein: an Effective Interrogation Tool of Storage Lesions in RBC Units.

Indian journal of hematology and blood transfusion/Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion(2021)

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The present study aims to investigate the changes in different parameters related to the storage time of red blood cell (RBC) units. Microscopic, flow cytometric, and electrophoretic assessments were employed every few days for 60 days to investigate the alterations in morphology, size, phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization, and membrane proteins over time. Morphological transformation from discocytes to spherocytes progressed as the storage time increased, which was accompanied by an increment of cellular size. However, this storage period did not result in the externalization of significant amounts of PS (p > 0.05). Mean Fluorescence Intensity (MFI) values increased by 11% to 23% between days 21 and 35 compared to the day 1 sample (p < 0.001). By day 60, the MFI decreased to about 70% of the day 1 sample. The analysis of membrane proteins' distribution showed a significant drop in band 3 expression after 35 days (p < 0.05 and 0.001 on days 42 and 60, respectively); however, no significant change was observed up to five weeks (p > 0.05). The inconsistency observed between Eosin-5-Maleimide (5-EMA) binding and the relative band 3 content could be due to additional accessibility of 5-EMA to hidden domains of other membrane proteins on RBCs as a result of increased mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and changes in morphology. Overall, our present study represents a step-wise and time-dependent series of events that progressively affects stored RBCs.
Red blood cell (RBC),Spherocytes,Band 3,5-EMAbinding
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