Pursuing Breath Research In Unprecedented Circumstances-Report From The Breath Biopsy Conference 2020


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The global outbreak of Sars-CoV-2 commencing early in 2020 had a dramatic impact on breath research, imposing abrupt restrictions but also presenting unforeseen opportunities. Taking place against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Breath Biopsy Conference provided the breath research community with a platform to showcase and discuss the latest findings, including COVID-19 related research. As with most conferences under the present circumstance, it differed from its predecessor meetings by shifting to a virtual format, but retained its broad scope and interactive nature. The conference centred on four key themes, featuring applications of volatile organic compounds, breath biomarkers for liver disease, study design and data analytics, and, notably this year, breath-based endeavours to detect COVID-19 infection. This meeting report summarizes the events of the conference and spotlights selected contributions.
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Breath biospy conference,Breath research news,Meeting report,VOCs
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