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Using GPS Tracking for Fruit Bat Conservation

Isabella Mandl,Amelaid Houmadi,Ishaka Said, Badrane Abdou, Abdoul-Kader Fardane, Kilian Egger-Peitler,Ryszard Oleksy,Hugh Doulton, Sourette Chaihane


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Understanding the ecology of species is key to the development of effective conservation measures. For many fruit bat species, however, even baseline knowledge of ecology and behaviour is lacking. To identify feeding sites of the Critically Endangered Livingstone's flying fox Pteropus livingstonii on the island of Anjouan, Comoros, we piloted the use of GPS loggers. Two bats (one female, one male) were tagged in early 2019, and data collected for 217 and 35 days, respectively. Acceleration data facilitated the classification of location points into behavioural categories. Potential feeding sites were located by cluster analysis of all location points that were attributed to a behavioural category in which feeding could occur. One important feeding site was located in an agricultural area. This is the first time quantitative behavioural data have been collected for Livingstone's flying foxes, providing insight into the ecological needs of this threatened species. These findings have the potential to inform applied conservation management decisions for protecting the resources required for the survival of this species.
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Anjouan,applied conservation,Comoros,GPS loggers,Livingstone's fruit bat,Pteropus livingstonii
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