Are Questionnaire Scales Which Measure Non-Cognitive Constructs Suitable As School Effectiveness Criteria? A Measurement Invariance Analysis


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This study aimed at examining the suitability of questionnaire instruments commonly used in large-scale assessments for measuring non-cognitive school effectiveness criteria. It focused on questions of reliability and validity for capturing changes in students within schools across time and the instruments' sensitivity to school effects. The aim was also to propose an approach for analyzing measurement invariance across levels and time simultaneously. The study used longitudinal data from the KESS (Kompetenzen und Einstellungen von Schulerinnen und Schulern [competencies and attitudes of students]) study, conducted in Hamburg, Germany. The sample is comprised of 17,926 students in 189 secondary schools. Data were collected three or four times. The results of the analyses show that all investigated scales are suitable in terms of reliability and validity. However, only the scale interest in mathematics is sensitive to school effects and therefore suitable as a school effectiveness criterion.
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School effectiveness criteria, multilevel measurement invariance, longitudinal measurement invariance, non-cognitive constructs
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