Extent of Faculty Adeptness and Viability of Gamified Learning in National University.


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Education has been a commodity for human society. As the Philippines value education almost more than anything, a multiple number of ways are being considered and utilized for the enhancement of the education system. National University as a contributing institution for educating Filipinos continue to explore innovative practices to provide its students an education that works. In this pursuit, a supplementary mode of learning, a branch of e-learning or computer aided instruction, Edugames is being considered. The possibility of using gamification in education within National University teaching methods would be keeping up to date with the global uptake on Edugames. Using an observational and imperative research, the study explores four key factors. Faculty adeptness, student willingness, technological operability and administration support. With the current resources, experience and practices, does National University's faculty have the inclination of using gamified learning and does NU have the means to facilitate such teaching methods? An attempt to elaborate a response is presented.
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gamified learning,faculty adeptness,university
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