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Antioxidant and Anti Nutritional Composition of Germinated Quinoa (chenopodium Quinoa Willd)

Current journal of applied science and technology(2020)

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Aim: To analyse the antioxidant and antinutritional components of germinated quinoa. Sample: Whole (HGQ) and dehulled (DGQ) quinoa grain (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) was procured from Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, PJTS Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad and commercially processed quinoa seed (CGQ) purchased from local market was germinated at 20ºC temperature for 4hrs and analyzed. Study Design: Analysing antioxidants and antinutritional components. Place and Duration of Study: Analysis was conducted in PGRC Laboratory, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. Results: The total phenol content and flavonoid content increased upon germination and was high for HGQ and DGQ was high compared to CGQ. IC50 value for antioxidant value of CGQ in methanol and water extract was low compared to HGQ and DGQ. The oxalate content of germinated quinoa ranged from 6.17 ±0.01 to 9.45±0.02mg/100g. The saponin content of germinated quinoa was high for HGQ and DGQ compared to CGQ. When compared to the raw there was 104.16% reduction was seen in HGQ, whereas it reduced to 404.85% in DGQ. But when compared to the commercial variety the saponin contents were 23.07% (DGQ) and 69.35% (HGQ) more. This may be because of processing conditions of commercial variety.
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