
Does Larval Rearing Diet Lead to Premating Isolation in Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)?


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Simple Summary Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious polyphagous pest. Most studies focus on the effects of natural hosts on S. litura. However, progressively more laboratory studies S. litura involve feeding the larvae with an artificial diet. We compared the life performance and observed mating choice of S. litura reared on tobacco, Chinese cabbage, and an artificial diet. The results revealed that diet had a significant effect on the duration of each stage of development. In the multiple-choice test with individual males consuming tobacco, Chinese cabbage, or an artificial diet, females fed on the artificial diet preferred to mate with males that were fed on the same diet and rarely mated with males fed on tobacco or Chinese cabbage. We suggest that the diet of S. litura has a potential impact on mate choice and sexual isolation. Host plant preference during the larval stage may help shape not only phenotypic plasticity but also behavioral isolation. We assessed the effects of diet on population parameters and mate choice in Spodoptera litura. We raised larvae fed on tobacco, Chinese cabbage, or an artificial diet, and we observed the shortest developmental time and highest fecundity in individuals fed the artificial diet. However, survival rates were higher for larvae on either of the natural diets. Population parameters including intrinsic rate of increase and finite rate of increase were significantly higher with the artificial diet, but this diet led to a lower mean generation time. Copulation duration, copulation time, and number of eggs reared significantly differed between diets. In terms of mate choice, females on the artificial diet rarely mated with males fed on a natural host. Our results support the hypothesis that different diets may promote behavioral isolation, affecting mating outcomes. Thus, findings for populations fed an artificial diet may not reflect findings for populations in the field.
diet,mate choice,assortative mating,Spodoptera litura,life table
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