
Age and Origin of the Dongping Au-Te Deposit in the North China Craton Revisited: Evidence from Paragenesis, Geochemistry, and In Situ U-Pb Geochronology of Garnet


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Dongping is the largest Au-Te vein deposit (similar to 120 t Au) in the North China craton, but its age, origin, and setting remain unsolved. Here, we integrate paragenesis, geochemistry, and in situ U-Pb geochronology of garnet to constrain the timing and possible origin of the Dongping Au-Te deposit. Gold mineralization at Dongping is hosted in the Shuiquangou alkaline complex (ca. 401-390 Ma) and dominated by quartz-sulfide veins with minor ores in adjacent alteration envelopes. Andradite to grossular garnets are recognized in pre-, syn-, and post-ore quartz veins as well as mineralized alteration envelopes and are closely associated with a variety of ore and gangue minerals, mainly including K-feldspar, quartz, specularite, magnetite, pyrite, tellurides, epidote, and calcite. The paragenetic, textural, fluid inclusion, and compositional data suggest that garnets precipitated directly from a low-salinity fluid at 302 degrees to 383 degrees C and 90 to 330 bar. Garnets from various veins and alteration envelopes have similar U contents ranging from 0.80 to 13.89 mg/kg and yield reproducible U-Pb dates of 142 +/- 5 to 139 +/- 6 Ma (1s) by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The dating results suggest that gold mineralization at Dongping occurred in the Early Cretaceous and thus preclude a genetic link between Au-Te mineralization and the ore-hosting alkaline intrusion as commonly suggested. When combined with independent geologic, geochemical, and geochronological studies, the new garnet U-Pb dates allow us to classify the Dongping Au-Te deposit as an oxidized intrusion-related gold deposit, with the causative magma likely derived from melting of an ancient enriched lithospheric mantle source due to destruction of the subcontinental lithospheric keel beneath the North China craton-a catastrophic event induced by the westward subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate. This study highlights garnet U-Pb dating as a potential robust geochronometer for gold vein deposits elsewhere.
north china craton,geochemistry
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