
Adapting the Dark Target Algorithm to Advanced MERSI Sensor on the FengYun-3-D Satellite: Retrieval and Validation of Aerosol Optical Depth over Land

IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing(2021)

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Satellite observation is an effective way of obtaining global aerosol information. The study focuses on developing a new scheme to apply the traditional dark target (DT) method to the advanced Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI II), which is a part of the Chinese Fengyun-3-D satellite. Compared with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), MERSI II shows higher ratios between red (0.65 $\mu \text{m}$ ) and near-infrared ( $2.13~\mu \text{m}$ ) bands in surface reflectance estimation and the green band ( $0.55~\mu \text{m}$ ) that is more sensitive to cloud screening. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is retrieved from earlier MERSI II observations by following the adapted DT method over land in Asia in 2018. Overall, AOD from MERSI II has a good performance compared with ground-based measurements with an expected error (EE%) of 66.38% and $R^{2}$ of 0.834, which is close to the MODIS EE% of 70.59% and $R^{2}$ of 0.829. Both sensors slightly overestimate the AOD over heavy aerosol loading regions, but MERSI-II has larger retrieval area covering a wider swath than MODIS in heavy hazy areas. On a spatial scale, the MERSI II effectively reflects the AOD distribution pattern but tends to overestimate and underestimate AOD at low and high latitudes, respectively, when compared with MODIS. The MERSI II sensor shows good aerosol detection potential, and the DT algorithm can be applied. MERSI II will provide important observation data on climate change and atmospheric pollution for the investigations in the future.
Aerosol optical depth (AOD),dark target (DT) method,Fengyun-3-D (FY-3-D),Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI II)
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