
Self-powered droplet manipulation system for microfluidics based on triboelectric nanogenerator harvesting rotary energy


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Microfluidic technology, as a method for manipulating tiny fluids, has the advantages of low sample consumption, fast reaction, and no cross-contamination. In a microfluidic system, accurate manipulation of droplets is a crucial technology that has been widely investigated. In this work, a self-powered droplet manipulation system (SDMS) is proposed to realize various droplet operations, including moving, splitting, merging, mixing, transporting chemicals and reacting. The SDMS is mainly composed of a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), an electric brush, and a microfluidic device. The TENG serves as a high-voltage source to power the system. Using different electric brushes and microfluidic devices, different manipulations of droplets can be achieved. Moreover, by experiments and simulations, the influence of the electrode width, the electrode gap and the central angle of one electrode on the performance of SDMS is analyzed in detail. Firstly, by using electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) technology, SDMS can accurately control droplets for long-distance linear movement and simultaneously control multiple droplets to move in a circular electrode track consisting of 40 electrodes. SDMS can also manipulate two droplets of different components to merge and react. In addition, using dielectrophoresis (DEP) technology, SDMS can separate droplets with maximum volumes of 400 mu L and reduce the time of the complete mixing of two droplets with different components by 6.3 times compared with the passive mixing method. Finally, the demonstration shows that a droplet can be manipulated by hand power for chemical delivery and chemical reactions on a circular electrode track without an external power source, which proves the applicability of SDMS as an open-surface microfluidic device. Therefore, the self-powered droplet manipulation system proposed in this work may have great application in the fields of drug delivery, micro chemical reactions, and biological microanalysis.
triboelectric nanogenerator,droplet manipulation system,microfluidics,self-powered
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