
Anatomical Predictors Of Residual Left-To-Right Shunt After Percutaneous Suture-Mediated Patent Fossa Ovale Closure


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Abstract Background Percutaneous suture-mediated patent fossa ovale (PFO) closure has recently been introduced in clinical practice to overcome most of the limitations of metallic PFO occluders with early results showing a favourable efficacy and safety profile in most PFO cases. Purpose To assess PFO anatomy in a large series of patients undergoing percutaneous suture-mediated PFO closure in order to identify anatomical predictors of significant residual right-to-left shunt (RLS) and thus appropriately select patients to be submitted to this technique. Methods Pre-procedural transesophageal echocardiogram of 230 patients undergoing suture-mediated PFO closure at our Institution were carefully reviewed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The following parameters were systematically assessed in all reviewed cases: presence and grade of baseline atrial RLS, presence of bidirectional shunt, PFO length and width, presence of atrial septal aneurysm and its maximal bulge, presence and size of an embryonic or foetal remnant. Results In 37 patients a residual atrial RLS ≥2 grade was found at a mean follow-up of 248±147 days. The following variable were found to be significantly associated with significant residual atrial RLS at follow-up: grade of baseline spontaneous and Valsalva manoeuvre RLS shunt (odds ratio 2.39, 95% confidence interval 1.48–3.89, p=0.001 and odds ratio 3.07, 95% confidence interval 1.22–7.23, p=0.017), baseline bidirectional shunt across the PFO (odds ratio 3.59, 95% confidence interval 1.47–8.77, p=0.005) and PFO width (odds ratio 2.61, 95% confidence interval 1.92–3.55, p=0.001). At multivariable analysis, only PFO width ≥5 mm (odds ratio 10.97, 95% confidence interval 4.22–28.56, p=0.001) and grade of baseline RLS shunt (odds ratio 1.84, 95% confidence interval 1.05–3.21, p=0.032) were independent predictors of a significant atrial RLS at follow-up. Conclusions Suture-mediated PFO closure represents a valid alternative to traditional devices with an excellent safety and efficacy profile at follow-up. As for any new technique, it is extremely important to select the right anatomical and functional features predictive of a successful closure. The results of this study indicate that the suture-mediated closure of PFO is feasible in the majority of septal anatomies however wide PFO ≥5 mm are less likely to be closed with only one stitch. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: None
ovale closure,anatomical predictors,left-to-right,suture-mediated
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