Zeeman Spectroscopic Determination of Magnetic Field on Gas Puff Z-Pinches

J. Angel, W. M. Potter, D. A. Hammer, E. Freeman

Bulletin of the American Physical Society(2022)

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Zeeman Polarization Spectroscopy on 1 MA gas-puff z-pinches in CO2 is being used to determine the magnetic field distribution in the plasma during implosion. Light is collected parallel to the azimuthal magnetic field tangential to the gas puff implosion sheath. The light is split into left and right hand circularly polarized components and then focused into two linear fiber bundles and delivered to a 750 mm spectrometer. The Zeeman components can resolve the peaks of the two polarizations despite Stark Broadening. This method was developed for z-pinch experiments on a 500 kA, 500 ns rise time generator by G. Rosenzweig et al [1] .
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Key words
gas puff z-pinches,Zeeman polarization spectroscopy,magnetic field distribution,azimuthal magnetic field tangential,gas puff implosion sheath,left hand circularly polarized components,right hand circularly polarized components,linear fiber bundles,Zeeman components,Stark broadening,current 1.0 MA,current 500.0 kA,time 500.0 ns,CO2
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