
Medical Induction for Mid Trimester Abortion: A Hospital-based Descriptive Cross-sectional Study.

Journal of Nepal Medical Association(2020)

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INTRODUCTION:Second trimester abortion is known as termination of pregnancy from 13- 28 weeks of gestation which can be further divided into early second trimester as 13-22 weeks and late as 23-28 weeks. In our study we have limited up to early second trimester. We intend to see the success rate of combination of mifepristone and misoprostol for medical induction, median time required for expulsion, complication and need of dilation and evacuation in some cases. This study also aims to give a review of current literature in mid trimester abortion with respect to efficacy, complication and also to provide evidencebase recommendation for safe regimens for mid trimester pregnancy termination.METHODS:This was hospital-based descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 40 pregnant women at second trimester admitted for termination of pregnancy in Kathmandu medical collage teaching hospital for the period of six month. Ethical approval was taken from the Institutional Review Committee of Kathmandu Medical College (Ref: 2207202002). Convenient sampling was done. All the pregnant women who need to terminate their pregnancy at second trimester (13-22 weeks) were admitted at Kathmandu Medical College Teaching hospital for termination of pregnancy were included in the study.RESULTS:Among the 40 women, who had termination of pregnancy at second trimester 37 (92.5%) had successful medical termination whereas 3 (7.5%) needed dilatation and evacuation.CONCLUSIONS:The combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol have excellent result for termination of pregnancy if appropriately used after evaluating the patient with minimal complications.
abortion,dilation and evacuation,medical induction.
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