Myths, Facts And Scope Of Spinal Cord Tolerance Dose Revision In Intensity Modulated Sib Treatment Of Locally Advanced Head And Neck Cancer: A Dosimetrical And Radiobiological Demonstration


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Purpose. - To explore the possibility of revising the spinal cord tolerance dose in Simultaneously Integrated Boost (SIB) intensity modulated treatment plan of locally advanced head and neck (H&N) cancer and assessment of achieved planning gain due to the revision. In SIB regimen, the Organ at Risk (OARs) tolerance dose is equally distributed throughout the treatment. Clinicians have usually considered the spinal cord tolerance to be the same as in conventional technique. However, in SIB fractionation regimen with intensity modulation treatment, the spinal cord may receive a physical dose of 45 Gy, with much lesser dose per fraction than 2 Gy per fraction. So when the dose of spinal cord is distributed throughout the treatment, the tolerance dose limit of physical dose can be considered higher than the usual conventional dose limits. In this study, an attempt has been made to explore the possibilities of dose escalation and treatment planning benefits while exploiting this "Window of Opportunity (WoO)" of increase in spinal cord and Planning Risk Volume (PRV) spinal cord tolerance dose.Material and methods. - A total of 12 patients CT data set along with approved structure set of H&N cancer used for treatment planning in. Three independent SIB VMAT plans named as SPC, SPR and SPDE were generated for the 12 patients. First plan (SPC) was generated by considering standard spinal cord tissue constraint of maximum dose of 45 Gy and PRV spinal cord maximum dose 50 Gy as per QUANTEC summary and second plan (SPR) was generated considering spinal cord tissue constraint of maximum dose 52.50 Gy and PRV spinal cord maximum dose 56.35 Gy while optimization and dose calculation. The objectives for rest of the Organ at Risk (OAR) were kept same in both the plans during optimization and dose calculation. The SPC plan was copied for creation of third plan (SPDE) in which dose was escalated by increasing dose per fraction for target volumes such that dose to spinal cord reached a maximum dose of 52.50 Gy and PRV spinal cord maximum dose of 56.35 Gy. In this plan there have been changes to only dose per fraction, however dose optimization and dose calculation have not been performed. Radiobiological parameters TCP and NTCP were also calculated by using indigenously developed software.Results. - Considering the increase of spinal cord tolerance dose as "window of opportunity", a sufficient escalation in physical dose, Biological Effective Dose (BED) and Tumor Control Probability (TCP) was observed for all target volumes with acceptable level of NTCP values.Conclusion. - Sufficient dose escalation and increased in TCP for target volumes or effective planning benefits can be achieved by revising the spinal cord tolerance dose in intensity modulated SIB treatment of locally advanced H&N cancers. (C) 2020 Societe francaise de radiotherapie oncologique (SFRO). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
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Key words
Spinal cord tolerance dose, SIB, Head & Neck Cancer, Biological Effective Dose (BED), Tumor Control Probability (TCP)
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