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Applications of the VLF-EM method for Rapid Sumatran Fault Identification in Leuser National Park, Aceh

Irwandi,Marwan, Muksin, Fashbir

AIP Conference Proceedings(2017)

Cited 9|Views3
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Aceh is an area which is located at volcanically active region and at the meeting point of the Eurasian and the Indo-Australian plates. Many mountain formations and folds are formed as a result of the meeting of these plates. One of the mountains in Aceh is The Gunung Leuser, the highest mountain in the province with altitude of 3,404 m. The active geodynamic conditions could lead to the formation of potentially active faults which produce earthquakes. Due to safety reason, there are few researches done to identify active faults in the LE (Leuser Ecosystem). Therefore, we propose a preliminary study to identify morphological patterns of the fault system from the topography data of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). Having obtained the approximate location of fault, then a Very Low Frequency method is applied to determine the detail characteristic of the fault. This method can determine the subsurface structure to a depth of 50 m without digging or drilling. In this study, we measure three profiles with length of each profile of 12-16 km. Along profile 1, the VLF data fluctuated due to relatively high iron deposition along the line. For profile 2, the results are very consistent with the adjacent to the fault Blangkejeren which is the main part of the Sumatran Fault. Profile 3 Lokop-Kutacane fault also shows the correction of the topography. In general, VLF method is relatively influenced by noise as the consequences of the passive electromagnetic measurement. Thus, it is important to develop an analysis method of VLF data that includes the topographical correction so that better lateral anomaly map can be created.
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Fault Zones
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