
New Opportunities for the XMaS Beamline Arising from the ESRF Upgrade Program

AIP Conference Proceedings(2019)

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The XMaS bending magnet beamline at the ESRF has been in regular user operation since the autumn of 1998 and has employed a very simple optical system consisting of a Si <111> monochromator and a toroidal mirror. The ESRF extremely brilliant source (EBS) upgrade program presents the bending magnet beamlines with a series of challenges and exciting new opportunities to extend the range of science performed, with emphasis on in-operando and in-situ studies. Geometrically, the new EBS lattice will move the source for bending magnet beamlines some 3 meters upstream and XMaS will use a newly designed 0.86 Tesla short bend, instead of the present 0.4 Tesla bending magnet. The higher field of the new source increases the available flux at high energies (>25 keV) by an order of magnitude and will result in a smaller brighter beam. To exploit the extended energy range, a dual toroidal mirror system, coated with chromium and platinum, will provide the focusing optics and enable continuous operations from 2.035 keV to 33 keV which will be coupled to a fast scanning LN2 cooled, constant offset monochromator. We report here on the opportunities presented by the new machine lattice and the solutions chosen to deliver a state of the art beamline that utilizes a very wide range of x-ray techniques including scattering and spectroscopy from a broad spectrum of materials characterization.
xmas beamline
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