
The Influence of Boundary Layer Caused by Riblets on the Aircraft Surface

Applied sciences(2020)

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Drag reduction of riblets is one of the most important problems in drag reduction of non-smooth surfaces. In the past two decades, the use of riblets arranged along the flow direction to reduce frictional resistance has received considerable attention. In this paper, we study the plates with the triangular concave grooves, triangular protrusion riblets, trapezoidal concave grooves, trapezoidal protrusion riblets, and circular concave grooves. The numerical simulation method is used to calculate five kinds of plates with grooves and riblets under multiple working conditions. The results showed that the plates with grooves and riblets generated vortices inside the grooves, which separated the incoming flow from the wall surface, and by increasing the thickness of the boundary layer, greatly reducing the average velocity gradient of the wall surface, compared with the smooth flat plate, the friction resistance is reduced. But, lateral riblets and grooves cause additional pressure resistance, which is one order of magnitude higher than the friction resistance. Then, the triangular concave grooves are arranged on the suction and pressure sides of the NACA0012 airfoil, respectively. We calculated the aerodynamic parameters of the both airfoils, and the standard NACA0012 airfoil from the −8° attack angle to their respective stall attack angles. The results showed that the NACA0012 airfoil with triangular concave grooves on the suction side reduced the aerodynamic characteristics of the standard NACA0012 at a small angle of attack, but the stall angle of attack of the standard NACA0012 airfoil was improved, because the grooves ensure that some gas can flow normally on the suction side and delay the separation of the boundary layer. The NACA0012 airfoil with triangular concave grooves on the pressure side did not effectively improve the aerodynamic characteristics: lift–drag ratio decreased and stall angle of attack decreased, but it can increase the lift slightly.
riblets,airfoil,numerical simulation,drag reduction
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