
Evaluation of the practicality of IIF with 1.0 M NaCI-splitted human skin as a substrate in the differentiation of subepidermal bnilous diseases

Chinese Journal of Dermatology(1993)

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The pager describes the patients with subepidermal bullous diseases (SBD) attending our clinic from 1989 to 1991. According to the clinical and histopathological examination, DIP and IIF test, and IIF test with 1.0 M NaCl-spiilted human satin as a substrate,100 cases of SBD were evaluated and diagnosed. Among them, 54 cases of BP, 8 cases of EBA, 7 cases of LARD, 7 cases of CP, 3 cases of BSLE, 2 cases of PCT, 2 cases of mixed bullous diseases (coexistence of pemphigus vulgaris and BP. dermatitis herpetiformis and BP) were differentiated. Seventeen cases remained to be defined. The result of this study indicates that NaCl-separated human skin as a substrate for IIF test plays an important role in the diagnosis on classification of SBD. Because the antibody in CP setltm may deposit on the epidermis side or dermis side in NaCl-spiitted skin IIF test. this method alone cannot be used for distinguishing CP and BP or CP and EBA. It should be integrated with clinical findings and other laboratory examinations, e.g. immunoblotting and immunoelectron microscopy for definite diagnosis of some cases.\r\n\r\nKey words: \r\nSkin diseases, bullous
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