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Serum polychlorinated biphenyls in workers of a second-smelting steel mill

Pietro Sartorelli, Daniela Orsi, Savino Minerva, Paolo Pedersini, Osvaldo Mingotti,Maria Lorena Fiorentino,Danilo Cottica


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In the steel industry polychlorodibenzodioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may be present deriving from the fusion of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap, as well as for the thermal decomposition of the plastic materials (thermoplastic and thermosetting resins) contained therein and not removed before melting at high temperatures. The aim of the study was to assess in 52 workers of a secondmelting steel plant the PCBs exposure deriving from the manual handling of ferrous scrap waste eventually contaminated. The population was divided by production department (scrap, casting and office). Static air sampling of PCDD, PCDF, PCBs and biological monitoring of serum dioxin-like PCBs (DL-PCBs) were performed. The comparison of serum DL-PCB values between workers from the scrap department and those from the casting did not find any statistically significant differences (MannWhitney U test). The range of serum DL-PCBs was 7.74-78.55 ng/g lipids with an average of 24.21 ng/g lipids, much lower than the reference values measured in the Italian general population in 2011. Mean and median TEQ WHO 1998 of DL-PCBs were 0.22 pg/g lipids and 0.15 pg/g lipids respectively. The low concentrations of serum DL-PCBS in the studied population can be explained by the progressive reduction of environmental PCBs contamination.
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polychlorinated biphenyls,dioxins,steel,reference values,biological monitoring
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