
Perception of Presence, Impact and Control of the Invasive Species Sus Scrofa in the Local Community Living Near the Itatiaia National Park, Brazil

Ethnobiology and Conservation(2019)

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Wild pigs are considered one of the 100 worse invasive species in the world and they are expanding their range throughout Brazilian territory, leading to many social and environmental impacts. The aim of our study is to estimate the perception of rural communities in the vicinity of the ltatiaia National Park (INP), Brazil regarding the presence of wild pigs, including the perceived impacts and the acceptance of management policies of the species. We conducted this study in nine rural communities around the INP, where we interviewed 210 inhabitants using structured questionnaires with ten closed dichotomous questions. The majority of respondents know about the existence of the wild pigs in the region and perceive their presence to be undesirable and a threat to the environment and crops, mainly corn, vegetable gardens and sugarcane. Most of respondents are favorable to control measures and eradication of the species, showing a common goal between local community and INP's managers and an opportunity of effective management of the species in the region. We reinforce the importance of wild pig management programs in the region that involves different social actors, including the INP managers, farmers and legal hunters properly certified by Brazilian legislation.
Biological Invasions,Feral Hogs,Game Species,Human-Wildlife Conflict
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