Experimental Research at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Venereology

L. Boeckmann, T. Bernhardt,M. Schaefer, M. L. Semmler,A. Glatzel, M. C. Martens, M. Ulrich, A. Thiem, J. Tietze, O. Jung, R. Panzer,T. Fischer,S. Emmert


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Since Prof. Dr. Steffen Emmert became chair of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Venereology in 2015, the research laboratory has been established and grown steadily. In line with the oncological focus of the University Medical Center Rostock as well as with the promoted Gesundheitsland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" basic and translational research projects are being conducted. The primarily third-party funded and steadily growing team pursues a variety of projects in the fields of dermato-oncology, plasma medicine, and rare skin diseases. Meanwhile based on solid ground, the research lab is still undergoing a dynamic development process and is currently being complemented through the integration of additional research teams led by physicians of the clinic. These teams not only bring more people to the lab but also complement it with novel research topics as well as with their expertise and technical skills. Multiple collaborations within the University Medical Center Rostock and beyond are an indication for a supportive, fruitful and collegial environment which allowed a smooth and easy integration.
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