
The Not-So-sweet Side of Sugar: Influence of the Microenvironment on the Processes That Unleash Cancer.

Biochimica et biophysica acta Molecular basis of disease(2020)

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The role of "aerobic glycolysis" in cancer has been examined often in the past. Results from those studies, most of which were performed on two dimensional conditions (2D, tissue culture plastic), demonstrate that aerobic glycolysis occurs as a consequence of oncogenic events. These oncogenic events often drive malignant cell growth and survival. Although 2D based experiments are useful in elucidating the molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis, they fail to take contributions of the extracellular microenvironment into account. Indeed we, and others, have shown that the cellular microenvironment is essential in regulating processes that induce and/or suppress the malignant phenotype/properties. This regulation between the cell and its microenvironment is both dynamic and reciprocal and involves the integration of cellular signaling networks in the right context. Therefore, given our previous demonstration of the effect of the microenvironment including tissue architecture and media composition on gene expression and the integration of signaling events observed in three-dimension (3D), we hypothesized that glucose uptake and metabolism must also be essential components of the tissue's signal "integration plan" - that is, if uptake and metabolism of glucose were hyperactivated, the canonical oncogenic pathways should also be similarly activated. This hypothesis, if proven true, suggests that direct inhibition of glucose metabolism in cancer cells should either suppress or revert the malignant phenotype in 3D. Here, we review the up-to-date progress that has been made towards understanding the role that glucose metabolism plays in oncogenesis and re-establishing basally polarized acini in malignant human breast cells.
Oncogenesis,Glucose metabolism,Extracellular matrix,3D cell culture,Organoids,Phenotypic reversion
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