
Inflation and Long-Range Force from a Clockwork D Term

Physical review D/Physical review D(2021)

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Cosmic inflation driven by the vacuum energy associated with the $D$ term of a supersymmetric Abelian gauge group and a possible existence of long-range force mediated by an ultralight gauge boson ${Z}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ are two extreme examples of models based on extra $U(1)$ symmetries. Large vacuum energy sets the scale of inflation while the scales of long-range forces induced by anomaly free extra gauged $U(1)$ symmetries are constrained by neutrino oscillations, binary pulsar timings, and invisible neutrino decay. There exists a difference of about 40 orders of magnitude between the scales of these two. Also, gauge couplings associated with the long-range forces are very small compared to the standard model couplings and the one required for inflation. We propose a framework based on clockwork mechanism in which these vastly different scales and associated new physics can coexist without invoking any arbitrarily small or large parameter in the fundamental theory. A chain of $U(1)$ is introduced with characteristic nearest-neighbor interactions. A large $D$ term introduced at one end governs the dynamics of inflation. ${Z}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ is localized on the other end of the chain, and it can be massless or can get naturally suppressed mass. The standard model fields can be charged under one of the intermediate $U(1)\mathrm{s}$ in the chain to give rise to their small effective coupling ${g}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ with ${Z}^{\ensuremath{'}}$. Constraints on ${g}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ and ${M}_{{Z}^{\ensuremath{'}}}$ are discussed in the context of the long-range forces of type ${L}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}\ensuremath{-}{L}_{\ensuremath{\tau}}$, ${L}_{e}\ensuremath{-}{L}_{\ensuremath{\mu}}$, and $B\ensuremath{-}L$. These, along with the inflation observables, are used to constraint the parameters of the underlying clockwork model.
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