
An aryl hydrocarbon receptor from the caecilian Gymnopis multiplicata suggests low dioxin affinity in the ancestor of all three amphibian orders

General and comparative endocrinology(2020)

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The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) plays pleiotropic roles in the development and physiology of vertebrates in conjunction with xenobiotic and endogenous ligands. It is best known for mediating the toxic effects of dioxinlike pollutants such as 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). While most vertebrates possess at least one AHR that binds TCDD tightly, amphibian AHRs bind TCDD with very low affinity. Previous analyses of AHRs from Xenopus laevis (a frog; order Anura) and Ambystoma mexicanum (a salamander; order Caudata) identified three amino acid residues in the ligand-binding domain (LBD) that underlie low-affinity binding. In X. laevis AHR1 beta, these are A354, A370, and N325. Here we extend the analysis of amphibian AHRs to the caecilian Gymnopis multiplicata, representing the remaining extant amphibian order, Gymnophiona. G. multiplicata AHR groups with the monophyletic vertebrate AHR/AHR1 Glade. The LBD includes all three signature residues of low TCDD affinity, and a structural homology model suggests that its architecture closely resembles those of other amphibians. In transactivation assays, the EC50 for reporter gene induction by TCDD was 17.17 nM, comparable to X. laevis AhR1 beta (26.23 nM) and Ambystoma AHR (34.09 nM) and dramatically higher than mouse AhR (0.13 nM), a trend generally reflected in direct measures of TCDD binding. These shared properties distinguish amphibian AHRs from the high-affinity proteins typical of both vertebrate groups that diverged earlier (teleost fish) and those that appeared more recently (other tetrapods). These findings suggest the hypothesis that AHRs with low TCDD affinity represent a characteristic that evolved in a common ancestor of all three extant amphibian groups.
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor,AHR,Caecilians,Amphibians,Dioxin
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