
A Novel Esterase LanE from Edaphocola Flava HME-24 and the Enantioselective Degradation Mechanism of Herbicide Lactofen

Ecotoxicology and environmental safety(2020)

引用 6|浏览13
Lactofen is a chiral herbicide and widely used against broadleaf weeds in agriculture. As a pesticide, it is directly released to the environment, and easily caused contamination in soil and aquatic ecosystem. The enantioselective degradation of lactofen in the environment has been reported, but the molecular biological mechanism of this phenomenon is still unclear. In this study, strain Edaphocola flava HME-24 could degrade 96.7% of 50 mg L(-1 )lactofen within 72 h. Lactofen was initially hydrolyzed to desethyl lactofen and subsequently acifluorfen by strain HME-24. A novel gene lanE, involved in lactofen transformation, was obtained from Edaphocola flava HME-24. Gene lanE encoded a protein of 471 amino acids that contained the conserved GXSXG esterase motif and clustered into esterase subfamily V. LanE shared the highest identity with esterase EstD (Q9WYH1) from Thermotoga maritima MSB8 (29.14%). This esterase was also able to transform p-nitrophenyl esters (C4-C8), and the activity decreased when the carbon chain length increased. LanE showed enantioselectivity during the degradation of lactofen, diclofop-methyl, and quizalofop-ethyl, with a higher degradation efficiency of (S)-enantiomers than (R)-enantiomers. The three-dimensional structure of LanE was simulated, and molecular docking revealed that when the (S)-enantiomers of lactofen occupied the active sites, the distance between the ligand molecule and the coordination atom was shorter than that when the (R)-enantiomers occupied the active sites, which facilitated the formation of the transition state complex. The results in this study enhanced our understanding of the preferential catabolism of the (S)-enantiomers of lactofen on the molecular level and could illustrate the reported enantioselective degradation of lactofen in the environment.
Chiral herbicide lactofen,Edaphocola flava,Esterase LanE,Enantioselective degradation
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