
Effects Of Sodium Acetate Dietary Supplementation On The Serum Lipid Profile Of Gallus Domesticus


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Chicken meat is healthier than other meat sources for human consumption because of its low cholesterol and fat content (Ponte et al., 2004). The quality and quantity of lipids and their fatty acid composition in meat are influenced by internal (age, gender, genotype and castration) and external (temperature, feeding) factors (Masek et al., 2013). The efficiency of fatty acid conversion in liver, which varies according to the age of the animal (Bourre et al., 1990), could Abstract: The effect of sodium acetate concentration on some blood serum lipid profiles was evaluated. The aim was to determine the changes in serum lipid profile levels in broiler birds receiving sodium acetate treatment. Sixty five one-month-old broiler chicks, Gallus domesticus were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments supplemented with sodium acetate (3 replicates of 5 birds per treatment replicate, besides the control). The experimental birds were fed with commercially broiler starter (for 2 weeks) and broiler finisher (remaining experimental period). The blood serum samples were collected from the birds’ branchial wing vein, and were examined enzymatically using the standard procedure for estimation at weekly intervals from the zero day. Results showed significantly reduced (p<0.05) total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins and total lipids when compared with the control values from apparently all treatment groups. There was an overall significant linear increase (p<0.05) in the concentrations of high-density lipoproteins when compared with the control value. Although there was an overall decrease in the concentrations of triglycerides and very low-density lipoproteins, there was a part decrease and increase observed within treatments. The results suggest that sodium acetate significantly (p<0.05) reduces serum cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, and total lipids levels but increased high-density lipoproteins linearly. Triglycerides and very low-density lipoproteins levels reduces to a level with time with a subsequent rise in level. There is therefore positive commendation to the effect seen by the sodium acetate concentration on the serum lipid parameters examined. In conclusion, it is conceivable therefore that the present study explained a satisfactory importance of sodium acetate in public health as biomarker against dyslipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, and atherosclerosis.
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