
Comparing the Effects of Traditional and Combined Teaching Methods on Nursing Students’ Learning Skills of Wound Care

Marlin Ardalan, Muhammad Saleh Vahedi, Ghader Salehnejad


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Learning practical skills especially in fields of medical science is significantly important. There are controversies over the effectiveness of teaching methods, though. It is believed that some of these teaching methods cause learning to speed up, facilitate, and cost less. Therefore, the present study is aimed at comparing the effects of traditional and combined teaching methods on freshman nursing students’ learning skills of wound care in academic year of 2009-2010. Materials and Methods: The present experimental study was consisted of 42 nursing students admitted to university in 2009-2010. They were randomized (every other student) into two groups, firstand secondhalf year students, by the education head office. Combined and traditional teaching methods were respectively utilized to teach the experimental and control groups skills of wound care. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire and a bandage skill checklist. Cognitive domain and psychomotor effects were statistically analyzed through a multiple-choice test and OSCE, respectively. Findings: Statistical results proved a significant difference between the experimental group and the control one regarding their cognitive skill (Chi-square with p<0.05 and t=3.14) and psychomotor skill (p<0.05 and t=5.23). Conclusion: Compared to traditional method, combined teaching method has greater effect on practical bandage skill especially in psychomotor domain. Therefore, it is highly recommended that this method of teaching should be used for other skills, in other majors, and at other universities of the country. [Marlin Ardalan, Muhammad Saleh Vahedi, Ghader Salehnejad. Comparing the Effects of Traditional and Combined Teaching Methods on Nursing Students’ Learning Skills of Wound Care. Life Sci J 2013;10(9s):156-159] (ISSN:1097-8135). 18
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