
The Effect of Disability and Related Stress Level of Chronically Ill Elderly on Their Coping Strategy


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Background: Elderly people face series of challenges such as chronic illnesses and some kind stressors which have direct impact on the body functionality. A lot of the illnesses, disability and even death are associated with chronic diseases. It is more important to adapt with these stressors. Successful coping play an important role in helping the elderly people to manage their stress. Aim: to investigate the effect of disability and related stress level of chronically ill elderly on their coping strategy. Methodology: A convenient sample of 200 elderly persons 60 years old or above who were suffering from one or more of chronic physical illness for the duration of at least one year or more were included in this study. They were selected from the health insurance hospitals in El-Mahaha Alkobra and Tanta city. An interview questionnaire sheet was developed by the researchers to collect the data. It included five parts: 1) Sociodemographic data, 2) Past medical history, 3) World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule, 4) Chohen Perceived Stress Scale, 5) Coping strategies inventory. Results: About one half (48%) of the studied elderly had two or more chronic illness. Hypertension and diabetes showed the high prevalence among the studied elderly followed by arthritis (69%, 44% and 17% respectively). Slightly less than one half (46%) of the studied elderly had an overall moderate degree of functioning &disability and 39% of them had mild degree. About one half (49%) of them had high degree of stress and 43% of them had average stress level. About one half (49%, 48%, and 47%) of the elderly used problem solving, social support, and wishful thinking respectively with a high degree as a coping strategy. Conclusion: There was a statistical significant relationship between the elderly level of functioning &disability related to mobility, self-care & participation and their level of stress. As well, there was a significant relationship between the elderly level of stress and express emotions, problem avoidance, wishful thinking, and self-criticism as coping strategies to it. Finally, there was a significant relationship between elderly functioning &disability and nearly with all coping strategies. Recommendations: Coping strategies should be regrouped according to the elderly focus. Health policymakers need to acknowledge these strategies in the delivery of health care promoting activities for older people.
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