
The Influence of Topical Antibiotic Application on growth and Survival of Hybrid Striped Bass Surgically Implanted with Dummy Ultrasonic Transmitters


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Ultrasonic telemetry allows fisheries management biologists to evaluate habitat use and movement patterns of fish. The physical condition of the fish is altered by surgical tag implantation into the body cavity, and many studies have been conducted to quantify effects on fish behavior and health following surgery. However, few studies have evaluated whether topical antibiotic application to the incision site minimizes long-term effects associated with recovery following surgery. Therefore, we quantified how common surgical procedures coupled with a topical antibiotic affected growth and survival of hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops * Morone saxatilis). Growth and survival were assessed over an eight week period among four treatment groups: 1) control/no surgery, 2) sham surgery, 3) surgical tag implantation, or 4) surgical tag implantation with a waterproof topical antibiotic; all reared in a controlled environment. Growth did not differ among treatments; however, survival differed with 100% survival occurring in the control and the tag plus topical antibiotic treatments. In surgical treatments without topical antibiotic use, survival was 95% with sham surgery and 85% with surgery plus tag. Inflammation was reduced at the incision site when the waterproof topical antibiotic was used. Ultimately, these data suggest application of topical antibiotics may increase survival and thus reduce biases associated with mortality during telemetry studies.
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