
Studiul calităţii vieţii folosind “sf-36 health survey test” la pacienţi transplantaţi, pacienţi hemodializaţi, pacienţi anefrici după neoplasme renale şi pacienţi uremici cu urolitiază malignă comparative quality of life assessed by sf-36 health survey in renal transplant patients, hem


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Introduction: SF-36 Health Survey is an assessment method of health status. This study was designed to examine the quality of life (QOL) in four groups of patients: renal transplant patients, patients in hemodialysis program with native kidneys, anephric patients in dialysis program for renal malignancies and non-dialysis chronic renal failure urolithiasis patients. Patients and methods: 104 renal transplant recipients, 70 patients in hemodialysis program, 11 anephric patients for renal malign condition and 25 patients suffered of severe urolithiasis complicated with chronic renal failure were included in this study. Eight scales of SF-36 health survey were scored: physical functioning (PF), role physical functioning (RP), bodily pain (BP), general health (GH), vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role emotional functioning (RE), and mental health (MH). The scores of scales were compared among three groups and a correlation with clinical parameters was made. Results: The scale scores of PF, RP, BP, GH, VT, SF, RE, and MH were as follows: 84.6, 77.4, 78.6, 56.3, 64.1, 80.2, 79.1, 68.8, for the recipients of renal transplant, 81.8, 65.6, 69.2, 49.8, 59.4, 72.2, 70.6, 74.2, for the patients receiving hemodialysis, 82.2, 68.6, 71.2, 49.9, 61.2, 73.3, 72.6, 69.9 for anephric patients secondary to a malignancy and 80.2, 70.2, 48.6, 50.2, 62.4, 70.1, 73.5, 71.9 for the patients suffered of renal failure due to urolithiasis. Conclusion: SF-36 health survey is a proper method for evaluating the quality of life, PF, VT and GH scores were quite similar for the four categories of patients in comparison with a general population sample. They were significantly dependent on serum creatinine level. The BP score were the lowest in the malignant urolithiasis. In our study, excepting the mental health score, all the other seven scores were better in the transplant group. Considering a general population sample score as 100% (which represents in reality 76.6% of the ideal score), the quality of life was 96% in the Tx group, 88.6% in the
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