
Defining the Effect of the 16 p 11 . 2 Duplication on Cognition , Behavior , andMedical Comorbidities


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Debra D’Angelo, MS; Sébastien Lebon, MD; Qixuan Chen, PhD; Sandra Martin-Brevet, MS; LeeAnne Green Snyder, PhD; Loyse Hippolyte, PhD; Ellen Hanson, PhD; Anne M. Maillard, PhD; W. Andrew Faucett, MS; Aurélien Macé, MS; Aurélie Pain, MS; Raphael Bernier, PhD; Samuel J. R. A. Chawner, MA; Albert David, MD; Joris Andrieux, MD, PhD; Elizabeth Aylward, MD; Genevieve Baujat, MD; Ines Caldeira, MD; Philippe Conus, MD; Carrina Ferrari, MS; Francesca Forzano, MD; Marion Gérard, MD; Robin P. Goin-Kochel, PhD; Ellen Grant, MD; Jill V. Hunter, MD; Bertrand Isidor, MD, PhD; Aurélia Jacquette, MD; Aia E. Jønch, MD; Boris Keren, MD; Didier Lacombe, MD; Cédric Le Caignec, MD, PhD; Christa Lese Martin, PhD; Katrin Männik, PhD; Andres Metspalu, PhD; Cyril Mignot, MD; Pratik Mukherjee, MD; Michael J. Owen, PhD; Marzia Passeggeri, MD; Caroline Rooryck-Thambo, MD; Jill A. Rosenfeld, PhD; Sarah J. Spence, MD, PhD; Kyle J. Steinman, MD; Jennifer Tjernagel, MS; Mieke Van Haelst, MD; Yiping Shen, PhD; Bogdan Draganski, MD; Elliott H. Sherr, MD, PhD; David H. Ledbetter, PhD; Marianne B. M. van den Bree, PhD; Jacques S. Beckmann, PhD; John E. Spiro, PhD; Alexandre Reymond, PhD; Sébastien Jacquemont, MD; Wendy K. Chung, MD, PhD; for the Cardiff University Experiences of Children With Copy Number Variants (ECHO) Study, the 16p11.2 European Consortium, and the Simons Variation in Individuals Project (VIP) Consortium
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