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Concept of Methodology for Evaluating Epistemic Uncertainty of Fault Displacement Fragility

Atomic Energy Society of Japan(2019)

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The authors have conducted examination of fault displacement (FD) PRA methodology framework and identification of technical issues. As a part of the development, the authors are confirming the validity of the Fault Displacement Fragility Evaluation Methodology (FDFEM) based on the actual damaged case because the uncertainty to evaluate realistic response have alternatively been determined with reference to the values in seismic fragility evaluation methodology (SFEM) and have not been validated so far. Contrary to the fact that validation of SFEM is based on a number of shaking table test data and damage cases, the development of FDFEM should depend on a few damage cases and unprepared test data. In order to confirm the feasibility of the composition and procedures of the tentative FDFEM verification framework, the authors applied them to damage of Shin-Kang Dam in Chi-Chi Earthquake (Taiwan, 1999). Throughout this study, we got a prospect of the feasibility of the composition and procedures of the tentative FDFEM validation framework.
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Uncertainty Handling,Fault Detection,Fault Tolerance,Human Reliability Analysis,Fault Tree Analysis
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