
Effects of zeolite on cadmium uptake and dry weight of the cucumber tree


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Background and Objective: Toxic heavy metals from pollutants stable non-biodegradable, which can be in the environment, water and soil, and as plant absorption and thus enter the food chain, so for each of the heavy metals limit is set higher it can be toxic and dangerous. Heavy metal pollution not only directly affects the physical and chemical properties of the soil, reduce biological activity and declining access Zesty nutrients affect soil but also to human health from entering the food chain and environmental security through the influence of water underground it is dangerous. Cadmium is a heavy metal and environmental pollutants from various sources such as fertilizers and soil into the human food chain. In order to improve soils contaminated with heavy metals, the use of zeolites has been reported by several researchers. Method: An experiment to investigate the effect of zeolite stands on cadmium uptake and dry matter weight of the cucumber tree was designed. This experiment factorial experiment design randomized complete block design with 2 treatments zeolite (four levels of zero, 1, 2 and 3 tonnes per hectare) and cadmium (five levels, 3, 6, 9 and 12 mg kg) with three replications. Conclusion: The results showed that with increasing zeolite application of cadmium concentration in cucumber tree fell, and the largest decline in the level of 3 tons per hectare, so that the level of consumption of dry matter yield also increased.
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