
Online Videos As a Supplement Tool to Train II MBBS Students in Drug Administration Skills

Journal of pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics(2019)

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Objective: To evaluate the effect of online videos along with traditional teaching on learning pharmacotherapeutic skills. Materials and Methods: Eight videos illustrating skills required for drug administration by parenteral and inhalational routes were developed and uploaded along with additional resource materials on a dedicated website. Following an online pretest, two practicals on routes of drug administration were conducted for 181 II MBBS students. They were then allowed to voluntarily watch the videos. Video usage, change in knowledge (pre- and post-video observation test score), and performance (Objective Structured Clinical Examination [OSCE] scores of two internal assessments) and perceptions (using prevalidated questionnaire) were recorded. Results: The average number of videos watched/student was 7.50 ± 1.30, whereas the average number of times each video watched was 1.50 ± 0.094. Only 39 students watched the videos before the first internal assessment were found to have statistically higher OSCE score compared to others who failed to watch (P = 0.006). The latter group watched the videos subsequently and showed improvement in their OSCE scores in the second internal assessment as compared to the first one (14.28 ± 3.26; P = 0.001). Students (93.10%) perceived the online videos as useful teaching tools, which helped them to understand and retain the sequence of procedural steps of the skills better. Conclusion: Drug administration skills when taught using a blend of traditional teaching methods and online videos, improved the performance with added reinforcement. Student acceptability was high indicating online videos can serve as a supplementary tool.
E-learning,in house videos,Objective Structured Clinical Examination,procedural skills
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