
Performance of West African dwarf goats fed Agro-industrial by-products and Pennisetum purpureum hay as dry season feed

Nigerian Journal of Animal Production(2020)

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This study was carried out to evaluate the performance of West African dwarf goats fed agroindustrial by-products (cassava peels, dried poultry waste, molasses and saw dust ash) based diets. The study lasted for 120 days during which diets formulated with 0% (1), 20% (2), 25% (3) and 30% (4) dried poultry waste (DPW) replaced cassava peels meal (CPM) in the same proportion. The diets were fed as a supplement to Pennisetum purpureum hay (basal). The goats were arranged in a completely randomized design. Parameters included feed intake, digestibility, nitrogen utilization, and growth rate were studied. The dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) intakes (glkgW 0.75/ day) were not significantly (p< 0.05) different among treatment means. Animals placed on diet 1 (control) had values of 115.51gW0.75/day and 20.99gW0.75 /day for DM and CP intakes respectively. The digestibility of diet 3 (67.35, 80.77, 70.32, 72.89, 72.69, 74.58 and 59.98%) DM, CP, EE, CF, ADF, NDF, ADL and NFE respectively compared favourably with diet 1. The nitrogen retention was highest in diet 3 (75.7%).The live weight gain (g / day) was highest in animals fed diet 1 and that on diet 3. There were significant (p < 0.05) differences in feed conversion ratio and the cost per kilogram live weight gain was highest in diet 4 with 30 % DPW inclusion. It was therefore concluded that feeding of diet 3 (25% DPW) could lead to improved feed intake, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen utilization and weight gain in WAD goats.
west african dwarf goats,pennisetum purpureum hay,agro-industrial,by-products
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