
Composition of Urinary Calculi: Lessons from a French Epidemiologic Retrospective Study

C. Roger,N. Abid,L. Dubourg, C. Auvergnon, S. Lennoine,C. Machon

Progrès en urologie(2020)

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Introduction. - Urolithiasis is a common urological disease whose incidence increases in developed countries. We studied relations between composition of urinary calculi, age and gender. Material. - An epidemiologic study was conducted in a French population of patients encountered analysis of urinary calculi between 2013 and 2017. This retrospective cohort study was performed from urinary calculi samples analysed in a clinical biochemistry laboratory of University Hospital of Lyon in France. A total of 5782 samples were included. Data, according to stone composition, presence of a papillary umbilication and a Randall's plaque, age and gender, were investigated. Statistical analyses used the Chi(2) test (R software). Results. - The overall male to female sex ratio was equal to 1.76. The average and the median of age were 52.1 and 53.0 years, respectively. Whewellite was the most frequent main component in our population (44.4%). Carbapatite, weddellite and uric acid represented the main component in 14.0%, 13.4% and 13.0% of samples, respectively. Differences between genders were shown. Whewellite and uric acid were more frequent in men (P < 0.001), while carbapatite and struvite were predominant in women (P < 0.001). Conclusions. - Our study provided recent data on the composition of urinary calculi in a French population and the relations between composition of urinary calculi and age and gender. (C) 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Epidemiology,Morpho-constitutional analysis,Urinary calculi,Urolithiasis,France
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