
Lean Six Sigma Implementation: Does Success Means Sustainability?

The International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences(2019)

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Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has proven as an effective methodology and strategy for business success in both private and public sectors. LSS views business processes as engines that drive performance excellence and help to deliver business value. Hence LSS offers a comprehensible road map, tools and techniques for achieving superior process improvement for business success. However, prior researches of LSS were predominantly focused on the study of success factors for LSS implementation. Whereas, this research aims to explore does the LSS success factors still serve as the driving agents to sustain the continuation of LSS success through a case study on a company that had implemented LSS for 15 years (company D). Five LSS success factors are identified from literature review, which are Continuous Improvement Culture, Innovative Culture, Top Management Support, Employee LSS Knowledge and Communication. The study is quantitative based, the important level of each success factors and the perceived level of LSS project’s performance are assessed via survey questionnaire which answered by 50 engineers or managers from company D. Data are analysed via Person Correlation to gauge the correlation between the 5 LSS success factors and LSS project’s performance. Finding from the research suggests that LSS success factors Innovative Culture, Communication and Top Management Support which are commonly agreed by prior researchers as important factors for LSS implementation; are viewed by respondents via this research as factors that endorsing weak impact or correlation with LSS project’s performance. Outcome from the research implies that there is/are other underlying variable within the scope of Employee LSS Knowledge and Continuous Improvement Culture that contribute to the sustainability of LSS implementation which is worth for further study.
sustainability,lean,sigma implementation,success
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