Fin type and flutter technique: A study to optimize the oxygen consumption in divers.


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The purpose of this research was to assess the variability of the oxygen consumption (VO2) depending on fin type and the flutter technique used for the different divers' profile. Twenty-three SCUBA divers took part in four 2.5 hour sessions to evaluate a total of six fin models and two flutter techniques. The flutter routines lasted 30 minutes per fin and per technique. Measurements of VO2 significantly decreased on Jet (20.42 ml*min(-1)*kg(-1)) and XShot fin (20.87 ml*min(-1)*kg(-1)) compared to Twin Jet fin (22.81 ml, p < 0.05). In addition, the VO2 was in all cases higher in certified divers than in professional divers (23.87 and 19.00 ml*min(-1)*kg(-1), p = 0.00). These differences were significant between divers' profile and flutter technique (p < 0.05). Similarly, measurements of VO2 were higher in frog kick technique than crawl kick technique (22.97 ml*min(-1)*kg(-1) and 19.96 ml*min(-1)*kg(-1), p = 0.00). These differences were significant between fin type and flutter technique in all fins (p = 0.03). Practitioner summary: This study investigated the impact of fin type, flutter technique and divers' profile on VO2 during diving. Results of this research suggest that combination a diving different factors significantly impacts the divers' VO2, thus providing new perspective for election of fin type and flutter technique according to the divers' profile.
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Key words
Recreational divers,fins,swimming routine,SCUBA dive,oxygen consumption
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