
Biodosimetry of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation Using DNA Repair Foci in Human Lymphocytes.


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Purpose: Ionizing radiation induced foci (IRIF) known also as DNA repair foci represent most sensitive endpoint for assessing DNA double strand breaks (DSB). IRIF are usually visualized and enumerated with the aid of fluorescence microscopy using antibodies to gamma H2AX and 53BP1. This study analyzed effect of low dose ionizing radiation on residual IRIF in human lymphocytes to the aim of potential biodosimetry and possible extrapolation of high-dose gamma H2AX/53BP1 effects to low doses and compared kinetics of DSB and IRIF. We also analyzed whether DNaseI, which is used for reducing of clumps, affects the IRIF level. Materials and Methods: The cryopreserved human lymphocytes from umbilical cord blood (UCB) were thawed with/without DNaseI, gamma-irradiated at doses of 0, 5, 10, and 50 cGy and gamma H2AX/53BP1 foci were analyzed 30 min, 2 h, and 22 h post-irradiation using appropriate antibodies. We also analyzed kinetics of DSB using PFGE. Results: No significant difference was observed between data obtained by gamma H2AX foci evaluation in cells that were irradiated by low doses and data obtained by extrapolation from higher doses. Residual 53BP1 foci induced by low doses significantly outreached the data extrapolated from irradiation by higher doses. 53BP1 foci induced by low dose-radiation remain longer at DSB loci than foci induced by higher doses. There was no significant effect of DNaseI on DNA repair foci. Conclusions: Primary gamma H2AX, 53BP1 foci and their co-localization represent valuable markers for biodosimetry of low doses, but their usefulness is limited by short time window. Residual gamma H2AX and 53BP1 foci are more useful markers for biodosimetry in vitro. Effects of low doses can be extrapolated from high dose using gamma H2AX residual foci while gamma H2AX/53BP1 foci are valuable markers for evaluation of initial DSB induced by ionizing radiation. Residual IRIF induced by low doses persist longer time than those induced by higher doses.
ionizing radiation,DNA double strand break,DNA repair foci,DNaseI
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