
Dissemination of the Capacity Building Results - Tools Adapted to the Local Context

K. Kallel, L. Zakraoui,Y. Ben Othman, M. Jouini, F. Selaouati

European journal of public health(2019)

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Abstract Introduction The Centres for Evidence into Health Policy created by the CONFIDE project are multidisciplinary; they are dedicated not only to health professionals but also to researchers, policy makers as well as other social, environmental and economic stakeholders. Good dissemination and awareness among all stakeholders are the basis of the success and sustainability of the project results. The progress Since the start of the project in October 2017 and after developing a dissemination plan, the first and large-scale dissemination action was the creation of a communication platform and a website. Subsequently, we have setup Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages targeting people more involved in the project. These pages are regularly updated (progress of the project, actions carried out). Two press conferences have taken place in order to reach all targeted audiences in Tunisia. Indeed, our press conferences attracted journalists as well as representatives of NGOs, and health decision-makers in the ministry. A poster and a portfolio were designed in order to introduce the project to partner organizations that provide the students` internships and field trainings. The project also includes a policy game as a tool to bring to the same table the policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders in the community that will further contribute to the dissemination of the CONFIDE project results. Due to the dissemination activities of the Tunisian partners, the academic community in Tunisia has been exposed to a different approach and understanding of public health. The dissemination activities of the CONFIDE results have shed a new light on public health in Tunisia. Conclusions A good diffusion of the project, using tools adapted to the various audiences, will make it possible to reach a large and multidisciplinary target public and to associate them with the project. This is a key success factor for the sustainability of the Centres for Evidence into Health Policy.
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